Friday, April 15, 2011

comments, IMDB
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A few nice movie sex scene images I found:

IMDB Comments

movie sex scene

Image by angus mcdiarmid

This week on the IMDB boards, obscure translation issues were cleared up when the person who subtitled The Class dropped into a discussion to explain why he'd used the word "skank" -- see the notes.

There was also another interesting discussion about the subtitles during a scene in which a boy has a hard time trying to explain Pythagoras' theorem and, according to the subtitles, ends up saying something like, ", if the squares on the two sides of a triangle are equal, the triangle is a rectangle!"

Here's what a poster called "fgirardot" said:

"As a Frenchman living in NYC, I've noticed a funny translation mistake in the movie :-) At the end, when the teacher asks the student what they've learned over the year, one of them comes up with the Pythagorean theorem. In French, he recites something like "lorsque la somme des carres des cotes d'un triangle est egale au carre de l'hypothenuse, le triangle est rectangle", which is correct. But the translation in the subtitles was literal and the spectators laughed when they read "that the triangle was rectangle". "triangle est rectangle" in French = "right angle" in English!!!"

The translator, "camprena", replied:

"I am the translator, and, yes, that was indeed a mistake that I made in my initial translation for Cannes last year as we all thought the student was trying to crack a joke. However, the mistake has since been corrected. In theory, all release prints should have the correct translation. But, from what you say, Sony Classics have clearly used the Cannes list of subtitles for the US release, even though the correction was made last August!"

I bet that's pretty embarrassing.

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